Artist Statement
Art can simply be a pure exercise in pattern and color. By concentrating on assembling pleasing color palettes and striking patterns, one can produce something visually stimulating. The work employs unique mark making, effective mixing of textures and media, and explores the translucence of layering. These pieces have a harmonious patterned aesthetic that incorporates a wide swath of materials, surfaces, and techniques. The finished products draw in viewers and ask for contemplate the whole work, and then the individual elements.
Artist Biography
Jennifer Pizzillo is a graduate of Towson University, where she majored in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting. She lives and works in Montgomery County, Maryland in a home studio. She has been an artist with a “day job” since leaving college, and is working to be more accessible in the creative community. She works with multiple mediums, drawing, painting, and stained glass & ceramic pique assiette mosaics.